Something Blue

Friday, September 30, 2011

Photo courtesy of Kelly is Nice

This kicks off our SHE’s Trendy blog series (no pun intended J)!  Starting in October, on the 3rd Friday of every month, yours truly will be blogging about a current wedding trend.  We’ll post pictures, explain its origin, who’s doing it, who’s not, why it’s on our radar, etc.  If there is a trend that you love and plan to incorporate it into your wedding, shoot us an email at , let us know what it is and we’ll feature it in one of our posts.  Alright, now to the shoes…
Years ago a bride’s shoes were just meant to coordinate with her dress.  To somewhat blend in, going unnoticed.  Things have changed dramatically!  More and more brides are choosing to wear a shoe that coordinates with their bridesmaid’s dresses, color scheme or what we’ll be focusing on in this blog, their “something blue.”  We love this trend!  Whether you’re wearing a blue shoe or blue embellishments on your shoes, it’s something that stands out, that gives a fresh twist to a long standing tradition and we think it’s just fabulous!  

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something BLUE.  Have you ever wondered how this tradition began?  These good luck charms originated from an Old English rhyme ("Something Olde, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, A Sixpence in your Shoe").  Traditionally, a bride will add these four items to her bridal attire or carry them during the wedding.  Something blue represents love, purity, and fidelity.  Most brides mothers followed this tradition and their mothers before them, but just because we’ve been doing it for hundreds of years doesn’t mean we can’t add a little twist to the tradition! 

Here are some pictures taken by Kelly Lewis of Kelly is Nice photography.  She’s AMAZING and so are these pictures!  They totally capture this trend!

For more information on Kelly, visit her website at (and check back for her Vendor Spotlight on our blog in November!)

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